DORSET and the New Forest could be in for an environmental lashing over the coming years if emissions are not cut, a report has warned.
Summers could be up to six degrees hotter and 49 per cent drier, winters 54 per cent wetter and four degrees warmer, with sea levels rising, according to the UK Climate Projections 09 study.
Let's look at this purely from the angle of tourism. Summers are going to get hotter and drier. Remind you of anywhere? The Med perhaps?
In thirty years time summers will be around 2 degrees C hotter. And if scientists have yet again veered on the side of caution then that's probably at the bottom end of the range.
In thirty years time air travel will have all but ended. Cheap flights will be just a memory and most airport runways will have grassed over through disuse.
In thirty years time almost all overland travel will be by rail. A few roads may struggle on in some urban areas with the odd electric or fuel cell car, and millions of bikes, but all mass transit will be rail based.
In thirty years time Bournemouth will be a sun-soaked seaside resort par excellence, with a nine month summer season and mild winters.
Sounds like a good place to have a terminus for the New S&D!
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