When Peak Oil starts reaching the national press - especially the Climate-Change-loving Independent - you know something's up! This was Thursday's headline. Seems cheap oil is running out faster than even the most pessimistic forecasts. The current recession hasn't helped at all (apart from depressing demand slightly) as a lot of investment has been cut back.

Then on Friday MoneyWeek headlines with this. Of course electric cars will only be a short-lived fad as nobody is explaining how all this extra generating capacity is going to be provided or fuelled ...

... and reads even more stupidly when Friday's Economist carried this headline. We can't even keep up with existing demand, especially once the current crop of nuclear power stations are decommissioned over the next decade or two. Electric cars are possibly the biggest con yet.

And on Saturday this succinct gem appeared on a leaflet pushed through the door - no doubt with patriotic force - by the BNP!
1 comment:
Thanks for not printing the usual lies about the BNP like the mainstream media always prints. The BNP are really the only hope Britain has right now to revive British industry.
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