I think yesterday's wood has gone to my head! I've been watching one of those TV programmes that I can never decide whether they are interesting or terribly patronising. Two blokes driving (LOL!) around England looking at 'heritage' projects. All nostalgia and volunteers etc. 'These things are dying', sort of attitude.
Rubbish! What they seem to be doing is giving us a glimpse into our sustainable and resilient future, but can't see that themselves. They are looking at simple machinery, simple products, proper skills. All things that will be returning soon enough!
They've just been chatting to a pole lathe turner, someone who will be an aristocrat post Peak Oil! Their material is wood, their product is something we will all use (bowls), they make their own tools and they use a lathe that uses hand power - no other energy required.
So I checked up and found that far from being a dying craft this is a vibrant and self-aware profession that is organised and growing. Check this out. Nothing to do with the past, everything to do with the future.
We'll all need to find something like this to do in the future, using skills to produce things people want that require little or no energy. And of course a nearby railway or tramway to bring in their raw materials and send out their products.
"...They've just been chatting to a pole lathe turner, someone who will be an aristocrat post Peak Oil! "
I sincerely hope you're right!
It looks like you've some wonderful ash wood on the platform which can be burnt green or seasoned.
Those TV programmes im my view is the Metropolitan elite patroninsing we peasants in the provinces.
I've a number of academic qualifications but my most treasured one is that of hedge-laying.
I learnt it as a teen, forgot it and went back to it again. I can provide a lot of good fuel from only 10 yards and provide wildlife with a good home. Tricky enough splitting the pleachers/trucks of trees.
Another old skill not in the coffin by far in my view, especially in view of fuel poverty. Ash grows back in 8-10 years.
...and just where do simple ole steam loco fitters come in in the pecking order?
A long long way above television presenters, that's for sure!
I really must start to learn a proper 'dying' trade so I can be useful when things get really difficult!
On the subject of jobs, this film from the railway heydays give a good list of skills that'll be in demand in 20 year's time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSL7uWazWHo
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