The transformation of the catering coach over 2007 was amazing - from wasting asset to a real credit to the line! Occasionally opened in 2006 serving teas and coffees by mid 2007 we were offering a superb range of cooked food as well as the usual drinks and snacks, the patio area was looking great and towards the end of 2007 the coach finally got its green livery. December 2007 was great with various events happening up in the coach.
The real honours go to Debby Hitchins, who professionalised the coach and really made things happen. She also worked really hard to get the franchise off the ground by easing the transition - it was such a shame that we were let down at the last minute by the potential franchisee (reason still a complete mystery) which has left us now with no real catering team. Hopefully the Trust will be able to use its own resources to get the coach up and running again in 2008 - with the aim being to open 4 to 7 days a week in the summer. The coach will be a real profit generator for the line as well as a superb meeting place for both railfans and local people. At least we've learned that franchising is NOT the way forward and that the Trust should use its own volunteers and - eventually - local paid employess to run this very important asset.
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