Some fantastic shots from the Gartell Railway taken in July and August 2009 - on a camera phone! (By Adam).
This is becoming a real treat for steam fans and is currently the only section of the S&D which sees regular trains. Notice the S&D touches such as the crest and Pines headboard. I suspect, though stand to be corrected, that the trains sport the unique S&D headcode.
The Gartell is open twice more this year (apart from Santa Specials) on Sunday 27 September and Sunday 25 October. I'm in Majorca for the September day but will try to make the October opening.
To reopen the whole route in Narrow Gauge - wouldn't that just be a quicker option? Hmm - dual gauge in places?
Stephen, Cambridge
The whole point of narrow gauge is that in certain areas it is the only option. Think of the Festiniog, the Swiss mountain lines or lines in sparsely populated areas. Many of these lines survive today as they in many cases offer the only serious transport option.
But they normally only operate as LOCAL lnes feeding into the network. I doubt anyone could make the case for a main line like the S&D to be opened as narrow gauge. What would be the point? Freight transhipment at either end would add to the costs and damage our business case and whilst a few hardcore railway enthusiasts might welcome the chance to ride for 70 or 80 miles in narrow carriages I doubt many people living along the line would!
I am a narrow gauge fan and would love to see narrow gauge feeder routes to S&D stations built where a standard gauge option is not viable or far more expensive, Oakhill to Binegar for example. But as for the whole route - it definitely needs to be standard gauge feeding into the wider network at 4 or 5 points along the route. Remember that most New S&D traffic will originate or finish at places off the S&D.
Perhaps we will get dual gauge around Templecombe where the Gartell is established, though for operational reasons I suspect a more practical approach will be to lay the two lines alongside each other.
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