We are still looking for somebody to take on the role of Midford Station Project Manager - the previous applicant has had to drop out for personal reasons.
We now have full access to Midford but it's important that somebody takes on the position to coordinate the restoration of this most iconic of railway locations. Initial work will simply involve stamping the site with a New S&D presence, even if that is just some signage and publicity information. The main part of the work will be the physical reconstruction of the station building in wood. This will then serve as an office, information point for the New S&D, other railway restorations, environmental projects and local groups and businesses, and an S&D shop.
As Project manager you will have a seat on both the board of Wessex Links Ltd and the New S&D, but you needn't get involved with any other aspect of the restoration other than at Midford itself.
Ideally the perfect Project manager wil live within a few miles of the site (Bath/Bristol/Radstock-Norton area) and have some experience in this sort of work. Enthusiasm is the most important quality however, and if you are new to this don't be afraid to apply! It is of course an unpaid position, and membership of the New S&D is a prerequisite.
This will be a fantastic project, in a superb location and famous the world over. It's only a tiny first step in what will surely be the most important and exciting rail restoration in the UK, if not the world.
To apply please email leysiner@aol.com or write to New S&D, 10 Bellamy Avenue, Hartcliffe, BRISTOL, BS13 0HW.
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