(Midford 31.7.2011 all pics copyright Stuart Seale)
Midford is looking fantastic! The Midford Team are real heroes of the S&D and have done so much in less than a year. The whole site is now ready for the next step - rebuilding the buildings etc.
This is Stuart Seale's report for today.
We have now finished clearing the platform (see attached pics), hopefully some regular sweeping will be all that is required to maintain it. It is remarkable how much wider it feels to walk along, and it will make it much easier to access overhanging vegetation.
We still have some digging out work to do behind the station foundations, hopefully we will be able to salvage some of the rubble and brickwork for construction of the oil store. Much of the retaining wall is in pretty bad shape in places and could really do with re-pointing, we will try and remove any trees etc. growing out of the brickwork in due course, but if we have any budding masons it'd be an easier job than re-errecting a fallen wall.
The bank above platform backwall has always responded to reduction of foliage or roots growing out of wall top by sending stuff down onto platform surface. Its a constant trickle of debris. This tends to choke drainage channel at foot of wall quite quickly. Also wall by steps going up is spawling with bits of stone falling into the channel too. Its going to be interesting seeing how much now deposits along nicely swept surface. Also what enterprising plant upstarts take advantage of crevices in extra light available, absent any weedkiller!
Its reasonable assumption that back in the day, railway management relied upon application along crevices of noxious dilutions from things now generally outlawed. Old photos suggest platform at and beyond oil store maybe not always well kept in previous operating era.
Is there a good reason for not using a good weed killer--- glysophate.
It would reduce the amount of manual labour immensly.
Glyphosate damage to living things.
Glyphosate is the main ingredient in Roundup herbicide and the focus of several lawsuits in USA, over GM seeds being developed resistant to it. Glyphosate has been popular with some US farmers and domestic users. A decision on legal ban over there might be foot-dragged to 2015 or beyond.
How it damages plants:
linked to deadly diseases and birth defects:
The Effect of Roundup on Soil:
Theres a lot of stuff on this topic thrown up by search engines which is by shouty political activists. Dont read that, concentrate on hard facts not hyperbole.
And somebody was suggesting we use this muck at Midford??
I always only use primary sources properly referenced for reseach - everything else is awash with agenda, 'common sense' and misinformation!
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