All photos copyright Tom Seale.
Midford is looking FANTASTIC. We should soon be on stage two which is putting the buildings etc back.
Tom Seale's report for today.
As the weather significantly improved we decided to head down to Midford again today, this time to clear more of the platform.
We made far more progress than I'd anticipated, only a small portion of the platform now remains to be cleared. The tarmac and guttering were again in remarkably good condition despite having been buried. We've also uncovered the base and foundations of the oil store. The concrete base has unfortunately succumed to time and is in need of replacement; however with the foundations unearthed I can start taking some measurements for planning drawings. Should need only one more visit to finish clearing the platform, then its on to moving that pile of rubble off the parcels office.
REMEMBER - all members are welcome to help out in the restoration of Midford!
Where some Midford station platform details are found to have gone bad, likely from very old frost damage which was evident even during first (similar to present works) uncovering since closure, about 1984. Much of tarmac was in fact renewed along platform top during the 1990's which has weathered to look old since then. Apart from slow damage by roots of developing bushes, burial has been good defence against more frost crumblings.
Some of the red brick back wall is spawling badly so will eventually need significant renewal as it was an inferior job to the platform front wall from new. Engineers blue of much better material seems to have been used for other brick features, which ironically many since demolished then chucked down the bank. Those bricks still serving well in my garden with not a hint of frosting. They were the last wagonloads along ng tramway before its track got dismantled when Simon's lease ended.
I did wonder if the stone from the oil store is also at the bottom of the bank? Could save a few quid.
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